Monday, October 24, 2011

Corey Robin on Feudal Democracies

Corey Robin's assessment of rightwing thought is scintillating.   His thesis revolves around privledge, the creation of privilege where there is none, exploitation and keeping the lower orders in line.  His Feudal Democracy sub-thesis and his identification of how some on the right frame the wealthy as victims are perceptive.  His analysis is very pertinent to today's political discourse
Have a listen... HERE  or visit the Lectures and Words page on this blog.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Eve or Isis? Genes Race and Exploitation

Adam Curtis is an amazing film-maker.  His insight and artistic talents are apparent in most of his work.  The story of Henrietta Lacks is layered with meaning.  Henrietta Lacks, Neo-Eve, mother nature and the exploited.  Her tale is that of black women throughout colonisation and slavery.  Her story is that of the human race.  Adam Curtis writes,

"I have always been fascinated by the story of Henrietta Lacks.

Henrietta was an African American woman from Baltimore who died of cervical cancer in 1951. Before she died some of her cancerous tissue was taken - without her permission - and the cells have been reproducing in laboratories around the world ever since."
Her story as told by Adam Curtis,

or here,
Adam Curtis -- The Way Of All Flesh : Adam Curtis : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Post-modern confusion and identity protests

Via The Crunk Feminist Collective"I do not dig debating with young white feminists late into the night about white privilege and having other Black women in the thread have to call out the supposed anti-racist feminists for not speaking up, for yet again forcing Black women to do the exhausting work of teaching"

From The Crunk Feminist Collective a poignant discussion on SlutWalk NYC and Racism.
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Black London 50 AD to 1997 AD

Via ChronicleWorl.  An Interesting Timeline of Black London

The Chronicle - The Shaping of Black London

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Black History Month Instalment USA

Lest we forget the Green Book, the first Driving while Black Guide.

‘Green Book’ turns page back to Jim Crow- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut

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Post-Modern Black History Month instalment

Via,  Ta-Nehisi Coates from the
During the days of Frederick Douglass's activism, the cause of abolition was deeply entangled with the cause of "women's rights." The two movements would later split over the 15th Amendment." 

Frederick Douglass: 'A Women's Rights Man' - Ta-Nehisi Coates - Personal - The Atlantic

Oshun Responds to the Magic

In her own words. Oshun in the media, aka,  Melissa Harris-Perry responds to the entire  kerfuffle.

The Epistemology of Race Talk | The Nation

The comment section is GOLD.