Friday, December 23, 2011

The power of Image

This informative broadcast on the origins and composition of media technology brings to mind the stunning archive of meaningful photos that is the wonderful blog Beautone.  My only critique of the following broadcast is that the black voice in the settlement of the West and specifically San Francisco was left out.  Inclusion, that is what makes Beautone such an important site.  In our media fuelled post-modern minds, image is incredibly important.  Photos, videos and pictures help to create meaning and provide context to social and personal issues.  Images can be historical record, they provide signposts for context.  Have a listen, then visit Beautone , it is featured just on the right of this page or on on tumblr....
(tumblr tip, find the "Archive" button to see all images and posts on the site)



Against the Grain - December 5, 2011 at 12:00pm


A succinct and Accurate Description

Senator Ron Paul as a metaphor for the issue of race in America.  The Rachel Maddow Show did an expose on Texas Senator Ron Paul. Rachel and Melissa Harris Perry created a compelling metaphor.  They equated the spectre of racial discomfort in Ron Paul's past to American attitudes on race.  The comparison was apt and compelling.

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