The southern stratagem. Is that not Fox news' raison d'etre? Van Jones, ACORN, the new black panther party (all 3 members) do you see a pattern emerging? This tactic is strengthened by projection. Project your flaws onto another and accuse them of stated flaw in order to remove them from positions of power. The worst part is that the majority of Americans are so accustomed to accepting biases that support the American caste system projection is not recognized and identified, rather it is tacitly accepted. Case in point, American de facto segregation in public schools neighborhoods and in religious establishments. D.W. Griffith's film, Birth of a Nation, was the highest grossing silent film. It is also seemingly, what people mean when they declare I want my country back.
(this is the movie in its entirety )
Further food for thought:
Justice Department - Black Panther | Video | Megyn Kelly | Mediaite
Fox News, the Black Panthers, and the same old pattern | Media Matters for America
Right-Wing Groups Use Decline of White Birthrates to Stoke Fear of Homosexuality, Feminism and Abortion | Belief | AlterNet
How Republicans inadvertently made the case for confirming Elena Kagan. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine
Republicans Let Their Racism Show in Attack On Thurgood Marshall | Mirror On America
The Root: Playing The Race Card With Elena Kagan : NPR
Fox News, the Black Panthers, and the same old pattern | Media Matters for America
Right-Wing Groups Use Decline of White Birthrates to Stoke Fear of Homosexuality, Feminism and Abortion | Belief | AlterNet
How Republicans inadvertently made the case for confirming Elena Kagan. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine
Republicans Let Their Racism Show in Attack On Thurgood Marshall | Mirror On America
The Root: Playing The Race Card With Elena Kagan : NPR