Sunday, September 18, 2011

Post Round UP- Afro Europe Style

Last week I sung the praises of We Are Respectable Negroes!  More from the respectable ones soon..  However in this post round up Afro-Europe is in the spotlight.  Created by Eric K. Afro-Europe describes itself thusly,

"I am Erik K and I write Afro-Europe International Blog, since 2008, to explore the politics, people and culture of black communities in Europe. Prior to Afro-Europe I wrote for an Amsterdam local newspaper, a Dutch Caribbean magazine, and an E-zine. I was born and raised in Amsterdam and I am of Surinamese/Dutch Caribbean descent"

Afro-Europe is intelligent, well written, well researched and culturally conscious.  This blog truly helped me construct a culturally relevant and insightful context for living in Europe.  The concept of being Atlantic, Afropolitan or cosmopolitan is truly represented in Dutch culture. The Post Modern Netherlands are as representative of the cultural,melting pot phenomena of nations enriched by the Atlantic slave trade. 

Speaking of Holland, one of my favorite countries to visit, Afro-Europe has a message for, Dutch Queen Beatrix  who must remove an offensive slavery painting on the side of the Golden Coach, wrote two Dutch MPs in an opinion piece yesterday.

"The trailer shows how gamers may trade slaves, conquer countries and even choose their means of torture and their personal burning marks....." 

Lastly, in England Afro-Europe reports on a collection of monarchs, in this case a pair of Queens.

"The Queen was immediately impressed by the girl's natural regal manner, exceptional intelligence and gift for academic studies, literature, art and music that she gave her an allowance for her welfare with Sarah becoming a regular visitor to Windsor Castle." 

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